And the competition in the note-taking space means we all benefit. But it does look like a nice app worth keeping an eye on. Google Keep won’t be replacing Evernote for me anytime soon-at least not without addressing most of the issues mentioned above. For the Google user looking for very basic note-taking functionality who doesn’t need all the bells and whistles that Evernote offers, Google Keep might be the better choice. Does it have the potential to get there? Perhaps, but it’s not clear what Google’s long-term plans are for it. So is Google Keep better than Evernote? For me the answer is clearly a no. No notebooks or tags or similar tools for organization.No ability to attach documents like PDFs, Word docs, Excel spreadsheets, etc., though I imagine we’ll see Drive and Docs integration eventually.No ordered or unordered lists, no hyperlinks, no bold or italics, etc. Set note colors, perhaps as a way to categorize your notes.Possibility of deeper integration with Android and the Google ecosystem.Easier to dictate a note and have it transcribed.You can easily drag-and-drop to reorder items. Evernote: Pros of Google Keep / Cons of Evernote Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons of Google Keep vs.

Google Keep has an attractive user interface and is being met with a pretty positive response-an average rating of 4.4/5 stars in the Google Play store so far, but it’s presently nowhere near Evernote’s capabilities. While there is some overlap, Evernote is still a much more robust product with a bigger feature set and far greater device compatibility.

Most are comparing Google Keep to Evernote (and, to a lesser degree, OneNote). I imagine an iOS app is forthcoming, but there’s no word from Google on that yet. On the heels of announcing the demise of Google Reader (and several other services), Google has launched a new note-taking app called Google Keep, which has as its tagline “save what’s on your mind.” Keep is currently an Android app, which requires Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) or higher, and a web app (under the Google Drive brand).