Reilly, who steals the film instantly and never gives it back) a tough, quiet British SAS officer ( Tom Hiddleston) who has amazing hair a Special Forces colonel ( Samuel L. The cast includes a couple dozen people who are basically monster chow and therefore not worth describing here a World War II airman who’s been trapped on the island for 28 years (woolly-bearded John C. At its best it reminded me of “The Mysterious Island” and “The Land that Time Forgot,” films that were little more than collections of monster-driven action scenes hitched to a perfunctory story about explorers wandering a jungle, doing stuff they were warned not to do, and getting eaten. This one-about a team of soldiers and scientists that gets stranded on Skull Island during a mission to map the island’s geological interior with explosive charges, which you absolutely should not do when visiting a place called Skull Island-is a half-magnificent, half-misguided example of a “show me the monster” movie. I’m not mentioning the difference in approach to condemn the new Kong: quite the contrary.